PMP Exam Set A – Q21

You are managing an oil drilling project. With oil at $120 per barrel this could be a very lucrative project. However, there is a chance that the price of oil will drop below $80 per barrel, thus eliminating the profit in the project. This is an example of: A. RequirementB. AssumptionC. RiskD. Constraint Show Answer

PMP Exam Set A – Q19

A project manager is trying to plan for a contingency reserve as part of the cost estimates for the project. Which of these would be an incorrect way to plan for contingency reserves? A. Start the project with a zero value for contingency reserve.B. Plan for contingency reserve as a fixed number.C. Plan for contingency

PMP Exam Set A – Q18

You have been asked by your project manager to help them create a chart that illustrates the project resources that will be working on each work package. What would be the best type of chart to use? A. Milestone chartB. RACI chartC. Project organization chartD. WBS Show Answer B. RACI chart

PMP Exam Set A – Q17

Your project team works in two different buildings across the city. The team has been struggling to perform effectively and has a difficult time resolving problems. What would be the BEST team development technique to resolve this issue? A. MediationB. RewardsC. Co-locationD. Training Show Answer C. Co-location

PMP Exam Set A – Q15

Which of the following is NOT a valid statement regarding the critical path method? A. The early start and finish dates and late start and finish dates are calculated without factoring in resource limitations.B. A forward pass and backward pass are performed through the project network paths.C. The resulting late start and finish dates will

PMP Exam Set A – Q14

While reviewing project procurement and accounting records for your project, you discover that there is a pattern of unauthorized expenses by a specific resource. These expenses are not within the scope of the project, and have been somewhat camouflaged within a number of large and complicated expense reports. What do you do? A. If the